The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. For more information, please contact us at

Monday, February 14, 2011

Troop site construction update 2/14/2011

Here’s what’s changed and, hopefully improved during this last week. I said at the last Committee Meeting that it should be 30-60 days until the site was stable, but it may be less at this rate.
  1. imageMost important, we created our new Facebook Group (not the Page, a group). Follow these instructions here and join it. All Scouts and parents should join (if you use Facebook). Patrol Leaders, please join immediately, then add your patrol members if they are FB friends.
  2. Added Scouting Forms to the links on the sidebar. Use them. Don’t bug anyone for forms until you’ve checked here first. Then bug.
  3. Updated the Troop 743 Eagle Scouts page. All of your boys should end up on this list. And all of you parents should make sure of it!
  4. Added the Labels links onto the bottom right of the sidebar (as pictured). What that means is that you can jump to that whole category of posts. Want to read all of the fundraiser posts? Just click the link. Read all the Loganisms in one shot? Now you can!
  5. A search tool for finding anything on our site, or anything to which we’ve linked. Try it!
  6. The Recent Calendar Updates will be on the right side, near the top of the sidebar. This will show you anything on the calendar which has recently been added or updated, so that you can keep up and plan. For example, the upcoming “Philaganza” trip is on the calendar, but we don’t have the details. When we do, it will show up there as a recent update, and you can just click the link and you’ll be in the calendar entry. Again, try it to see how it work.
  7. Finally, Comments have been enabled for the site. Why? Well, I think that some of these things will be better served by allowing comment. In other words, if we get feedback on things here, it will be a good way to gauge opinion or get new ideas. Comments are subject to moderation or deletion, and if this doesn’t work out, we can always change it.
That’s all for now. Please join the Facebook Group, and then see you at the meeting.

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