The meeting started at 7:05 pm, at St. Camillus Church with the following adult members in attendance: Doug Moon, Marilyn Moon, Colleen Chamberlain, Nathan Teodoro, Phillip Lucas, Betsy Wolford, Gary Wolford and Donna Matuch. Logan Teodoro was the only scout in attendance.
New Business: Dr. Movic, the advisor for the St. Camillus Youth Group has asked the scouts to participate in a Chili Cookoff. The event will be held on Saturday, March 26 from 6-8 pm. Participants will need to prepare two pots of chili for the event.
John Whitford has graciously offered to present the Friends of Scouting presentation at our April 4 Court of Honor. This presentation helps the troop achieve quality unit status.
Spaghetti dinner has been cancelled for March 20 due to a scheduling conflict with the church. An alternate date of either April 2 or April 16 will be chosen by the end of the week. This event will be held at an off-site location (either the Elks Club #69 or Hutchinson Center in Pearson Park).
Amy Na has accepted the grand task to lead the PHILAGANZA trip! All ideas will be welcomed and a meeting will be established to set up the itinerary. A suggestion was made to include a visit to the Civil War Museum (Harisburg) on the return trip.
An opportunity to have a blood drive at the First Alliance Church has presented itself. Gary spoke with Dave Proctor and the church no longer has anyone to coordinate the event. This would be a good opportunity to continue the drive as well as continue the troop’s participation with the blood bank. More information will follow.
Scouts attending Camp Beaumont this weekend number 10 with 7 adults committed so far. Logan will follow-up with patrol leaders. Scouts are requested to bring DVD’s for the Friday and Saturday movies as well as any board games. Sleeping bags and pillows are needed as well. The opportunity to work on Emergency Prepardness, Citizenship in the World and Personal Management will be offered during the weekend. The trip will depart from the church lot at 5:30 pm on Friday and return on Sunday approximately 12:30 pm.
This weekend will allow the scouts to decide where they wish to go to summer camp this year. A final decision will be made at the meeting on March 7. We are also in need of adults to lead the troop at camp. Any parent interested, it is imperative to speak with either Mr. Moon or Colleen.
The Scoutmaster from Troop 746 (Mr. Book) is interested in joining our troop for summer camp if we decide to go to Camp Bucoco. He does not have enough adult volunteers.
NYLT applications are still available for scouts wishing to attend this camp. The forms are due March 15. Currently, the forms are available through Colleen, but will soon be available on the website.
Financial: Balance in the account is approximately 5,300.00 per Phillip. More information will be available at the next meeting. Phillip has renewed both the TROOPMASTER and DOTNET (advancement site) for the next two years for $89. He also advised the group that he has stepped down as Order of the Arrow advisor.
Senior Patrol Leader: The SPL has had problems with everyone calling to confirm attendance at events. The website is available to help everyone with this task. As suggested by Colleen, the SPL will organize a patrol leader meeting the week prior to the committee meeting. This will enable the boys to create an agenda for the upcoming weeks. An idea to utilize the Boy’s Life magazine as a guide for meetings will be pursued. Elections for the troop are March 21 and OA elections are March 28.
Troop Webmaster: Tremendous job in the creation, development and continuous updates to the website! Mr. Moon’s home phone number will be added to the site for anyone who wants to speak to someone in person. Additional information from the New Castle News regarding Eagle projects will be researched and added to the older Eagle Scout’s profiles. Anyone with ideas for improvement, please contact Nathan Teodoro.
Camp Beaumont, Rock Creek, OH (March 4-6): The troop will spend the weekend at the Boy Scout camp in a cabin which has a wood stove, and water sites (no running water). Scouts are requested to bring DVD’s for the Friday and Saturday movies as well as any board games. Sleeping bags and pillows are needed as well. The opportunity to work on Emergency Prepardness, Citizenship in the World and Personal Management will be offered during the weekend. The trip will depart from the church lot at 5:30 pm on Friday and return on Sunday approximately 12:30 pm.
NYLT Deadline (March 15): Deadline for completed forms.
Ellwood Pack (806) Blue and Gold (March 18): This event is open to anyone wishing to assist with the crossover. It will be held at Camp Agawam and start at 7:00 pm.
OA Lodge Banquet (March 19): Dinner for the OA Lodge will be held at the First Baptist Church. Troop 743 has been designated to be the hosts for the event. Set-up begins at 5:00 pm and Class A uniforms are required.
Spaghetti Dinner (March 20): TO BE RESCHEDULED: Alternate dates of either April 2 or April 16 are being considered. Additional details to follow.
Troop Elections (March 21): New officers will be selected.
Chili Cook-off (March 26): St. Camillus event for the creative chefs held from 6-8 pm. Participants will need to prepare two pots of chili for the event.
Order of the Arrow Elections (March 28): Eligible candidates will have the opportunity to be selected for the OA.
Court of Honor (April 4): A speaker and MC are needed for this event. John Whitford will present the Friends of Scouting presentation. This event will be held in the gym.
Invasive Species Clean-up (April 23): Reservations have been made for some scouts to participate in the Jennings Environmental Center clean-up. It will be held from 9-1 and is a good opportunity for a community service project.
Hike (May 7): 10-mile hike at a location to be determined.
Woodsy Owl Weekend (May 13-15): Camping and Woodsy Owl clean-up at Clear Creek. More information will follow.
Tan and Green Banquet (May 20): The potluck family dinner will have the scouts provide a talent show for entertainment. This will be held in Mc Guirk Hall.
Relay for Life (May 21-22): Scouts interested in participating in this event are asked to contact Colleen.
Blood Drive (Tentative Summer 2011): The First Alliance Church location is under consideration for a blood drive. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Summer Day Events: Anticipate some additional events to be planned for weekdays during the summer.
Bike Ride (June 4): A 10 or 15-mile ride at Stavich Trail in New Castle.
Troop Camping (Week of June 19-25): The troop has two options available for summer camp this year; either Camp Bucoco or Camp Beaumont. The final decision will be made on March 7.
Hike (July 16): A 10-mile hike at a location to be determined.
NYLT-Silver Wolf Training (June 16-19 and June 23-26): Training for any scout (First Class and above). For scouts who are interested, the committee is offering a scholarship for half the cost of the program. You must write a formal letter of request and if you are unable to go, the money must be refunded back to the troop. Applications are due March 15.
PHILAGANZA (July 5-9): The dates for travel have been set. This Tuesday through Saturday event is something not to be missed! If you have any ideas for this trip, please contact Mr. Moon. Mark your calendars.
Bike Ride (July 30): A bike ride on a trail in Ohio from Trumbull to Astabula is planned.
Camping, Ohio (August 5-7): Trip to Colleen’s parents for a weekend of fun with army vehicles and memorabilia. A hike will also be planned.
JEEPFEST (August 20): Annual troop fundraising event at Pearson Park. Overnight camping on Friday night (August 19) will be available.
Cuyahoga Bike-Aboard (September 18): The group will board a train at Peninsula, Ohio and ride to the interpretive visitors’ center. After unloading the bikes from the train, the troop will enjoy an 11-mile bike ride. Cost is $5 for the train ride with an additional cost for a dinner stop. The event will run from 9-5:00 pm.
Being a merit badge counselor is a great opportunity for parents to find joy in their son’s accomplishments. Join the fun!
The meeting schedule for the Committee is the 1st Tuesday of the month. All parents and scouts are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity to be a part of what is going on in your troop. The next meeting is scheduled for April 5 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Donna A. Matuch
Committee Secretary
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