The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. For more information, please contact us at

Monday, April 18, 2011

Troop 743 Webmaster Site Report – April, 2011


[This will be a regular, monthly report to be posted the same day as the Committee Meeting minutes]

Updated since last meeting (3/1/11)

1. Posted Minutes from March 1 Committee Meeting – we should continue to do this as it updates the entire troop, and the committee members who did not attend the meeting.

2. Colleen has started to post on her own. Would like both the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair to be able to do this. I will give a document at this meeting with instructions for doing this directly from the site. Easy and clean/professional looking.

3. Continuing to post Scouts in the News every Wednesday. That should be enough to be interesting, but not so much as to be spam – agree? If you have any interesting Scout content, please forward it to to suggest that it be posted, and either Colleen or Doug can post or forward it to me to post.

4. Added the following to the Post Template


5. Added New Link: Unauthorized and Restricted Activities BSA has an official list of "unauthorize and restricted" activities. We need to be aware of these and use them in planning troop activities, so it will be included on the sidebar under "Scouting Links."

6. Doing a series on Youth Leadership Positions. Doug Smith emailed a nice link, and I found some more. Take a look, and we can edit later, so if you have a change, let’s update it and use for our troop as a resource when training new youth leaders. We can do the same for adult leader positions.

7. Let’s keep posting the meeting agendas, too – but I’d suggest we actually include the discussion topics. It’s more work up front, but will generate interest in others participating if they see something that they want to get involved in, or have an opinion on. Agree?

8. Update the Eagle page to include Stephen Wolford 3/2/11.

9. Updated home page and “About our troop” page with:
“Please contact us at or call Mr. Moon (Scoutmaster) at (724) 658-0630 for more information.” Is that the correct number?

10. Need to update the Get Involved! Page. Current status:


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