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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camp was fun!!

We had a great week at Camp Bucoco!!  The weather was great (most of the week), and even when it wasn't, we still found lots of activities to keep us busy (game of Egyptian Rat Race anyone? Sad Panda...).  Only a few bugs made it past the tent doors (one extra visitor for Mrs. Matuch, please...), and AJ, Sam & Kyle only shared their 2-man tent for a couple of nights!!
Here are some "Camp Quips" for your enjoyment...short sayings overhead this week:
From dinner on Monday:  "It's not Jell-o, it's an amoeba!"
While walking down to dinner on Tuesday:  "It's so hot, and the water is still so far away!"
After a boo-hiss from a bad joke:  "Don't hiss; throw chihuahuas at him."
From Neal:  "the 11th commandment should be 'he who kilt it, shall filt it.'"
While trying to start a campfire after heavy rains:  "Do you hear that sizzling?  It's the sound of Victory!"
During the Egyptian Rat Race game:  "Reading gives you a handicap!"
Also during the Egyptian Rat Race game:  "Stress Panda!!"
From our Camp Commissioner, on Friday morning at breakfast (singing): "Breakfast without Ranger Jim is like a morning without sunshine!"
For more news and views on camp, make sure you are at Monday night's meeting for our After Action Report!!
Colleen Chamberlain
Committee Chair

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