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Monday, August 22, 2011

August 2011 Committee Meeting Minutes

August 2, 2011
The meeting started at 7:05 pm, at St. Camillus Church with the following adult members in attendance:  Marilyn Moon, Doug Moon, Colleen Chamberlain, Gary Wolford, Betsy Wolford, Nathan Teodoro, Phillip Lucas, Scott Bussard and Donna Matuch. Logan Teodoro and Jonathan Wherry represented the scouts.

Financial:  Current balance in account is $6,746.67.  There is approximately $2,000 in the boy’s accounts and $750 in the Eagle Scout project account.  Due to problems with the troop ledger, the exact amounts were not available. The problem should be resolved by the next meeting.

Ice cream social is set for Hutchinson Center, Pearson Park on August 14 from 2:00 to 4:00.  Ticket will be printed by the township and the scouts will need to pre-sell the tickets.  Ticket cost will be $4.00 which includes the cost of pie, drink (water/coffee and ice cream).  Pies will be purchased (8 apple, 4 wild berry, 2 sugar-free); ice cream and water bottles will be donated.  Extra pies will be sold for $8, if necessary.  Betsy has the signs for the event. Gary will be in charge of the event.

Jeepfest will be on August 20, with a sleep-over the prior night at the park.  The menu and prices will be the same as last year:  pizza $3, hamburgers $3, cheese burgers $3.50, hot dogs $2, hot dogs w/cheese $2.50, nachos & cheese $2.50, sausage sandwiches $5.00, chips $.50,drinks (soda, water) $1.00, jalapeños $.50 and chili undecided.  Purchases so far include: 46 cubes (20 cans) cases of soda and 20 cases of water.  To be ordered are:  320 hot dogs, 390 hamburgers, 200 slices pizza and 4 cans of cheese.  Other items will be purchased closer to the event.  Canopies, coolers, grills and power washers will be needed for this event. Anyone who has these items available will need to contact Colleen.

Jeepfest overnight camping will be on Friday at 7:00 pm.  The event starts at 8:00 am on Saturday.  Everyone is expected to sign up to help since this is the major fundraiser for the troop. Colleen will send out sign-up sheets. All families should have a representative at this event or the family will need to pay the registration fee ($15) which is usually paid by the troop.

Logan reported on his opportunity to attend NYLT this summer.  He would like to see more of a “boy” led troop and have only 2 adults in the room to help with the process.  The committee was agreeable to help with this process.
No Senior Patrol Leader was present and no agenda offered for the next month’s activities.
John Whitford will be invited to the September 6 committee meeting to discuss our options regarding troop leadership and the Scoutmaster position.

Jonathan Wherry reviewed his Eagle Project with the modifications for the City Rescue Mission.  His next step is to acquire the funds for the project.
Camp Ottobre has changed to a day trip (August 6).

Website:  Positive feedback for the pictures of big events.  Anyone on the event can send pictures and Nathan will post them as quickly as possible.  It is suggested that everyone use the template for an event.  This will help provide all the necessary information needed, i.e. dates, uniform and costs, as well as provide a reminder on the email to scouts.


Camping, Ohio (August 6):  Trip to Colleen’s parents for a weekend of fun with army vehicles and memorabilia.  ***Changed to a day trip****

Court of Honor (August 8):  Guest speaker from Cray School, Mr. Don Kemerer (Administrator) will make a presentation.  Logan has volunteered to serve as the MC for this event. 

OA Weekend (August 12-14):  Activity for OA members.

Ice Cream Social (August 14):  Serving pie and ice cream in Hutchinson Center in Pearson Park from 2-5. 

JEEPFEST (August 20):  Annual troop fundraising event at Pearson Park.  Overnight camping on Friday night (August 19) will be available.  Friday night camping will begin at 7:00 pm. Saturday morning events to begin at 8:00 am.  Troop tee shirts will be distributed at this event.

Ryan Weekend (August 26-28): Confirmation on dates. Work on Soil & Conservation badge and the Farm Machinery badge.  More information will follow.

Committee Meeting (September 6):  St. Camillus Church at 7:00 pm.  Mr. John Whitford will be the guest speaker.  All parents are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting.

Hike (September 10):  10-mile hike at the North Country Trail.  Event starts at 8:00 am and ends approximately 1:00 pm.

Cuyahoga Bike-Aboard (September 18): The group will board a train at Peninsula, Ohio and ride to the interpretive visitors’ center.  After unloading the bikes from the train, the troop will enjoy an 11-mile bike ride.  Cost is $5 for the train ride with an additional cost for a dinner stop.  The event will run from 9-5:00 pm. 

Possible camp weekend (September 23-25):  Details to follow.

Woodsy Owl (October 14-16):  Attendees should bring their bikes; this event will include a bike ride. Trailer will be available for the gear.

Halloween-Matuch HHHouse (October 31):  This regular Monday meeting will be held at the Matuch house with bobbing for apples and a hot dog roast.   

Court of Honor (November 14):  More information to follow.

Court of Honor (February 13, 2012):  More information to follow.

Tan and Green Banquet (May 18, 2012):  More information to follow.

The meeting schedule for the Committee is the 1st Tuesday of the month.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 6 at 7:00 pm.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Donna A. Matuch
Committee Secretary

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