The meeting started at 7:05 pm, at St. Camillus
Church with the following adult members in attendance: Marilyn Moon, Doug Moon, Colleen Chamberlain,
Gary Wolford, Betsy Wolford, Steve Craig, Lynne Ryan, Wayne Ryan, Scott Bussard
and Donna Matuch. Mr. Whitford was the
guest speaker for the meeting. No scouts were at in attendance.
Financial: Phillip was not available so the Treasurer’s
report was tabled for this meeting.
Mr. Whitford gave an informative talk regarding the
opportunities for the troop to continue as well as to acquire adult leadership
positions. Most importantly, he
suggested more input from the families and to engage all parents completely in
the process. This is a partnership with the scouts and their families.
Gary offered the after-action for the Ice Cream
Social. Profits were low ($150) but most
likely due to the torrential downpour in the middle of the event. The pies were originally purchased and baked
by several scout families. In the end,
we were able to sell the remaining pies.
Next year, we may want to reach out to the Cub Scout troop to see if
they are interested in the opportunity for this fund-raiser. This would also
help with scout out-reach to the cub scouts.
Colleen addressed the Jeepfest after-action. We brought in about $3,500 with an estimated
profit of $2,000-$2,300. The profit this
year is approximately $1,000 less than last year. The difference was contributed to the Bantam
Jeepfest held the previous week in Butler.
Due to this event, some vendors were not in attendance as well as about
100 Jeep participants. Another reason
may have been due to the miscommunication with the closing time for the food
Ideas for the money include: another large troop trip for next summer, new
sweatshirts for the troop (without embroidery), a 8x20 tent or walkie talkies
for hikes and bike rides. This will be
discussed in detail at a future meeting.
Wayne addressed the group regarding the after-action
for the “Farm” trip. The boys were able
to obtain two patches (Farm Machinery and Soil & Water Conservation). He complimented the boys on their tenacity to
stay focused and keep their “eye on the prize”.
He also commended them on their camaraderie.
The SPL was not in attendance and therefore, no
agendas were provided for upcoming boy’s meetings.
Gary offered a list of concerns for the troop. Each was addressed:
- Offer term
limits for the positions held by the boys, so as not to limit the position
to one or two individuals
- Term limits
for the positions held by adults to one
or two years
- Reduce the
patrols to two (Lightening and Dragon).
Older boys in the Eagle patrol are offered the opportunity to be a
mentor to younger scouts or Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
- Assign adult
mentors for the boys positions (to be determined on September 12)
- Once a year
program planning meeting (October 4), which includes parents, patrol
leaders and senior patrol leader
- Merit badge
counselor moderator will be Doug Moon.
His responsibility will be to ensure all requirements are complete,
maintain blue cards and order badges.
- Adults
will complete the Adult Youth Protection
Training either online or by viewing the DVD.
- Scouts with
a position will be trained and will know what the job entails as well as
the expectations. This will help the boys be a “boy led troop”.
- The troop
will purchase paper, printer and ink cartridges for the troop so the
financial burden is not a personal expense to someone printing scouting
- A volunteer
is needed to coordinate food for troop trips. Gary is accepting more responsibility in
the Scoutmaster position and this opportunity
remains open.
The next merit badge date will be in October
(TBD). This will continue the once a
month procedure.
Via Gary, Nick Wolford asked to utilize the funds in
his scout account for the purpose of funding his Eagle Project. The consensus was unanimous. The funds must be secured from fundraising
and soliciting the project. Personal
funds should not be used.
Down for Veterans (September 10): Assist veterans at the event held at Cascade
Park. Event runs from 8:00 am to 2:00
and Sailors (September 11):
Originally the scouts were offered to participate in the 9/11 event, but
now offered to observe. The troop will
not be attending. Families are suggested
to go on their own if they are interested.
Meeting (September 12): Regular
meeting return to St. Camillus church.
Mock popcorn sales will be practiced.
Election of troop positions.
Bike-Aboard (September 18): The group will board a train at
Peninsula, Ohio and ride to the interpretive visitors’ center. After unloading the bikes from the train, the
troop will enjoy an 11-mile bike ride.
Cost is $3 for the train ride. The
group will leave the church at 9:00 am and return approximately 4:00 pm.
Meeting (September 19): Regular
meeting with training for troop.
Public Lands Day – Jennings Environmental Center (September 24): Any scouts interested in a community service
project will enjoy this outdoor event, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Limited space is available, contact Donna for
additional information.
Country Trail 10-mile Hike (October 2): Starts at 8:00 am, bring lunch.
Program Planning Meeting (October 4): Committee meeting to include parents, senior
patrol leaders and patrol leaders with ideas for the upcoming year. Everyone’s input is needed for the troop to
be successful.
Crisis Shelter Race (October 8): Interested runners, lace up your shoes. Local New Castle event, anyone interested, please
contact Colleen.
Owl (October 14-16):
Attendees should bring their bikes; this event will include a bike ride.
Trailer will be available for the gear.
of the Opera – Scottish Rite Cathedral (October 28): Original movie with organ music. This is a local New Castle event which will
be free or low cost. More information
will follow.
H ouse (October 31): This regular Monday meeting will be held at
the Matuch house with bobbing for apples and a hot dog roast. Event starts at 6:30 pm and ends at 8:00
of Honor (November 14):
More information to follow.
of Honor (February 13, 2012): More information to follow.
and Green Banquet (May 18, 2012): More information to follow.
The meeting schedule
for the Committee is the 1st Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for October 4 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Donna A. Matuch
Committee Secretary
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